What is Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP)
Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) is discovered by respected guruji Late Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti. He left this world in early 70's. Now you can understand that how new it is. He studied Vedic and Western both and took logical part from them. He has also given his own set of rule but most of them are fundamentally related to vedic astrology. The art of KP is minimum rules and maximum accuracy. In KP we follows Niriyan Ephemeris with KP Ayanansha and Placidus System for Cuspal divisions ( Table of Houses in Niriyan ). KP follows the same Vimshottari Dasha ( Udu Dasha ) discovered by our sage Parashar for Moon. At the time of birth Dashanath(दशानाथ) is the Sign Lord (राशी स्वामी), Antarnath (अंतर्नाथ) is the Star Lord (नक्षत्र स्वामी), Pratyantarnath (प्रत्यांतरनाथ) is known as Sub Lord (उप स्वामी) and Sukshama (सुक्ष्मा) is known as Sub Sub Lord (उप उप स्वामी) of Moon. KP also follows the same ratio of division given in Vimshottari for all Planets and Cusp. KP follows the aspects as per Western System depends on the orb of the individual planet. Late Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti discovered Ruling Planets. Ruling Planets are the planets ruling the specific movement. This is the miraculous discovery of KP.
KP says if one wants to know the time of fruitification of any event than Transit at that time and Ruling Planet of now should support them. One can get the accurate time of event with the help of Ruling Planets. Ruling Planets(RP) is the key of KP. KP also follows the Poonarpho Yog (पूनर्फू योग) which is the result of direct or indirect connection of Saturn and Moon. KP says that a planet always gives the result of the Planet in which star it is running.