Ruling Planets
Every movement of time is ruled by certain planets, these planets are known as Ruling Planets(शाशक ग्रह). There are minimum five Ruling Planets as 1)Lord of rising sign in Zodiac 2)Lord of rising constellation in Zodiac 3)Lord of Moon sign 4)Lord of Moon constellation and 5)Day Lord.
Everybody on that specific movement is influenced with these RPs. These planets are very powerful. We can find out the answer of any query rises at that movement in YES or NO and if the answer is YES than we can also find time of frutification of that query. There are certain rules given by KP by which we can find out the Ruling Planets. The Moon tells about the query, it should be related with query for correctness. The frutification depends on the type of sign and planet both. The Lagna says about the frutification of query. If it is in a movable sign than the frutification is soon or if the Sub Lord of Lagna is a fast moving planet like than it is also soon. We can calculate Ruling Planets from Nakshatra in a click and can also know the time of frutification of query.Click on the picture below to know how Nakshatra shows the Ruling Planets.