Nakshatra is a software based on Krishnamurti Paddhati. The meaning of Nakshatra is Constellation or Star. In vedic astrology the Nakshatra has a very important role. Vimshottari Dasha or udu Dasha is also starts from the nakshatra of Moon at Birth Time. KP also gives the value to nakshtra as sage Parashar has given in vedic astrology. The calculation of this software is most accurate as compare to other softwares in market.

    • Nakshatra is having a good Interface (GUI). It is a Windows based utility designed in Visual Basic with MS-Access as database which takes very low resources. It is supplied in a CD. Nakshatra has following features in it :

    • Ruling Planets

    • Horary

    • Horoscope

    • Winner Finder

    • Tables

            • Ephemeris (Niriyan)

            • Table of Houses (Niriyan)

            • Ayanansha

            • Transits

It also has the facility to print any of the above tool results. User can also have or add places with latitude & longitudes in it. User can also set default options like default place and Print his name at the bottom of Horoscope etc.